Подробности, фантастика и Ïàìÿíèêè íà ìîãèëó âîåííûì â Ìîñêâå

Подробности, фантастика и Ïàìÿíèêè íà ìîãèëó âîåííûì â Ìîñêâå

Подробности, фантастика и Ïàìÿíèêè íà ìîãèëó âîåííûì â Ìîñêâå

Blog Article

Время от времени текст ребенок, то поможет онлайн-декодер, а если текст большой — поможет текстовый редактор.

В любом случае, начните с онлайн-декодера, чтобы понять с какими кодировками нужно работать.

If the data is already broken when you view it in the source file, chances are that it used to be a UTF-8 file but was saved in the wrong encoding somewhere along the way.

I know this is an answer to a very old question, but was facing the issue once again. Some old windows machine didnt encoded the text correct before inserting it to the utf8_general_ci collated table.

That is the recommended way when building PHP projects from scratch. While it would probably fix the problem the OP shows, fixing the problem at its root (if possible) is much preferable.

This only instructs the client which encoding to use to interpret and display the characters. This doesn't instruct your own program which encoding to use to read, write, store, and display the characters in.

I got a complete reject from the EiC, and the editor seemed to get many things wrong. Should I reply?

Простой Можно ли узнать какая кодировка использовалась в системе, в которой был создан файл?

Как долго это чтобы кодировка также сколько ее можно перекодировать в русский текст.

Unicode encryption can be made by displaying the Unicode codes of each of the characters in the message.

Tool to translate Unicode codes. Unicode is a Ïàìÿíèêè íà ìîãèëó âîåííûì â Ìîñêâå character encoding standard aiming to give every character a numeric identifier.

Вот те самые символы: Êëþ÷ óæå âøèò â õîä óñòàíîâêè, òî åñòü ïðîãðàììà ñðàçó ïîñëå óñòàíîâêè çàðåãåñòðèðîâàííà.

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